Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Big and Bigger News

Sorry I have been missing for a while. Lots of things going on.

First, the BIG news.......we found out yesterday that Danny will be an Orthopedic Surgeon and complete his 5 year residency at St. John's Hospital in Warren, Michigan. I am so proud of him! It's crazy to think of how far he's come. We both look back to our fun days at Auburn and can't believe this is happening;) We are both a little worried about the Michigan snow but remind ourselves it's only for 5 years. I've always wanted to experience a white Christmas so maybe it will be fun. Danny will move in July and I will stay here because....

On to the BIGGER news......I am 8 weeks pregnant. I have a hard time even typing the words. I really can't believe it. As everyone knows, I had to use fertility drugs to have Fletcher and lots of hormones during pregnancy. This baby came all on their on to MUCH surprise!! I saw baby #2 during an ultrasound yesterday and it still doesn't seem real. I am due on my mom's birthday 9-27-11. The plan is for me to stay in Vegas until the baby is a few weeks old. That way, Jen can help with Fletcher and I can work until I deliver. We figured it's better for me to be here with a support system than be in Michigan where I know no one and Danny's busy. Anyway, please keep our family in your prayers!


The McCullough Family said...

FINALLY you have told the world!! Glad the cat's out of the bag! I've been wondering when you were going to put it on here. ;) I am still in shock myself, but SO SO HAPPY for you!!! It will be an exciting new adventure and after no time, you won't be able to imagine life without baby #2! You know that we LOVE you and support you! Love & miss you TONS!

David and Lauren Cole said...

CONGRATULATIONS PAIGE!! That's so exciting! Keep us updated on your progress.

The Smith Family said...

Paige, congratulations! That is such wonderful news and we are so happy for you! Keep us posted!!

Nez and Andy said...

Congratulations Paige! That is fantastic news! I am so happy for you guys!